Research & Articles


American Patent Update

by John Morris, 2023

American Corkscrews with a Pivoted Lateral Projection

by Josef Andre L’Africain, 2018

A Japanese Patented Corkscrew

by Ian Hunter, 2014


The Williamson Flash Corkscrew: Souvenirs of Roadside America, 2013

by Josef Andre L’Africain and Tommy Campnell, 2013


United States Corkscrew Update

by John Morris, 2012

us update

Corkscrew Stories, Vol. 4

by Don Bull, 2010

vol 4

The Perfect Extractor

by Don Bull, 2005


Corkscrew Stories, Vol. 1

by Don Bull, 2004

vol 1

Johnson Adelaides

by Ian Hunter, 2022

Searching for Japanese Patents

by Dick Clark, 2022

The Mumble Peg Corkscrew

by Josef Andre L’Africain, 2014


Detroit Corkscrews

by Josef Andre L’Africain, 2012


Adelaide Corkscrews

by Ian Hunter, 2020


Corkscrew Stories, Vol. 3

by Don Bull, 2010

vol 3

Cork Ejectors

by Don Bull, 2004


Corkscrew Patents of Japan

by Don Bull, 2004


American Patent Update

by John Morris, 2016


Multum in Parvo

by Josef Andre L’Africain, 2015


Finding Frary

by Josef Andre L’Africain, 2013


The Cork Used as Closure in Beer Bottles

by Jens Arnbjerg, Bjorn Berger, and Heligir Solheim, 2010

beer closures


by Josef Andre L’Africain, 2010


Corkscrew Stories, Vol. 2

by Don Bull, 2004

vol 2

Further Reading


A Guide to Collecting CorkscrewsPeter Coldicott
Boxes Full of CorkscrewsDonald Bull
British Corkscrew PatentsFrancis Hutchinson
British Corkscrew Patents from 1795Fletcher Wallis
Bull's Pocket Guide to CorkscrewsDonald Bull
Canadian Corkscrew PatentsRon MacLean
Champagne CollectiblesDonald Bull & Joe Paradi
Compendium of Bar CorkscrewsWayne Meadows
Corkscrew for CollectorsBernard Watney and Homer Babbidge
CorkscrewsFrank and Barbara Ellis
Corkscrews and Bottle OpenersEvan Perry
Corkscrews of the Eighteenth CenturyBertrand Giulian
Corkscrews: 1000 Patented Ways to Open a BottleFred O'Leary
Corkscrews: British Registered DesignsFrank and Barbara Ellis
Deutscher Gebrauchmusterschutz for KorkenzieherKlaus Pumpenmeir
FederzungenReinhold Berndt
Figural CorkscrewsDonald Bull
French Corkscrew PatentsJoe Paradi
French Corkscrew Patents Found in DenmarkAnne-Lise Køhler
German Corkscrew Patents and RegistrationsFred Peters
German Corkscrew Patents, D.R.P. 1877-2000 Ferd Peters
German Corkscrew Registrations, D.R.G.M. 1891-2000 Ferd Peters
Guide to American Corkscrew Patents, V. 1 & 2Paul Shaub
History of Pocket Corkscrews and PocketknivesFerd Peters and Bertrand Giulian
KorkenzieherManfred Heckman
Korkenzieher in Thüringer HandelskatalogenReinhold Berndt
Korkenzieher PatenteWolgang Handel
Le Collezioni CavatappiPaolo De Sanctis and Maurizio Fantoni
Les Brevets de Tire-Bouchons Français 1847-1968Bidault, Gérard
Les Fabriques Français de Tire-Bouchon 1820 - 1970Bidault, Gérard
Les Tire-Bouchons ExtensiblesJacques Lapierre and Hajo Turler
Les Tire-Bouchons FrançaisBidault, Gérard
Mechanical Corkscrews, Their Evolution, actions, and patents Ferd Peters
Österreichische Korkenzieherpatente 1882-1980Hoefer, Peter
Scandinavian CorkscrewsBuster Berntson and Per Ekman
Scandinavian Corkscrew PatentsPer Ekman, Anne-Lise Køhler, and Helgir Solheim
Swiss Corkscrew PatentsHajo Türler
The Corkscrew a Thing of BeautyPaolo De Sanctis and Maurizio Fantoni
The Ultimate Corkscrew BookDonald Bull
Tire Bouchons Français Brevets 1828-1974Guy Olive
William Rockwell CloughRon MacLean and Robert Nugent