American Patent Update
by John Morris, 2023
by John Morris, 2023
by Josef Andre L’Africain, 2018
by Josef Andre L’Africain and Tommy Campnell, 2013
Title | Author(s) |
A Guide to Collecting Corkscrews | Peter Coldicott |
Boxes Full of Corkscrews | Donald Bull |
British Corkscrew Patents | Francis Hutchinson |
British Corkscrew Patents from 1795 | Fletcher Wallis |
Bull's Pocket Guide to Corkscrews | Donald Bull |
Canadian Corkscrew Patents | Ron MacLean |
Champagne Collectibles | Donald Bull & Joe Paradi |
Compendium of Bar Corkscrews | Wayne Meadows |
Corkscrew for Collectors | Bernard Watney and Homer Babbidge |
Corkscrews | Frank and Barbara Ellis |
Corkscrews and Bottle Openers | Evan Perry |
Corkscrews of the Eighteenth Century | Bertrand Giulian |
Corkscrews: 1000 Patented Ways to Open a Bottle | Fred O'Leary |
Corkscrews: British Registered Designs | Frank and Barbara Ellis |
Deutscher Gebrauchmusterschutz for Korkenzieher | Klaus Pumpenmeir |
Federzungen | Reinhold Berndt |
Figural Corkscrews | Donald Bull |
French Corkscrew Patents | Joe Paradi |
French Corkscrew Patents Found in Denmark | Anne-Lise Køhler |
German Corkscrew Patents and Registrations | Fred Peters |
German Corkscrew Patents, D.R.P. 1877-2000 | Ferd Peters |
German Corkscrew Registrations, D.R.G.M. 1891-2000 | Ferd Peters |
Guide to American Corkscrew Patents, V. 1 & 2 | Paul Shaub |
History of Pocket Corkscrews and Pocketknives | Ferd Peters and Bertrand Giulian |
Korkenzieher | Manfred Heckman |
Korkenzieher in Thüringer Handelskatalogen | Reinhold Berndt |
Korkenzieher Patente | Wolgang Handel |
Le Collezioni Cavatappi | Paolo De Sanctis and Maurizio Fantoni |
Les Brevets de Tire-Bouchons Français 1847-1968 | Bidault, Gérard |
Les Fabriques Français de Tire-Bouchon 1820 - 1970 | Bidault, Gérard |
Les Tire-Bouchons Extensibles | Jacques Lapierre and Hajo Turler |
Les Tire-Bouchons Français | Bidault, Gérard |
Mechanical Corkscrews, Their Evolution, actions, and patents | Ferd Peters |
Österreichische Korkenzieherpatente 1882-1980 | Hoefer, Peter |
Scandinavian Corkscrews | Buster Berntson and Per Ekman |
Scandinavian Corkscrew Patents | Per Ekman, Anne-Lise Køhler, and Helgir Solheim |
Swiss Corkscrew Patents | Hajo Türler |
The Corkscrew a Thing of Beauty | Paolo De Sanctis and Maurizio Fantoni |
The Ultimate Corkscrew Book | Donald Bull |
Tire Bouchons Français Brevets 1828-1974 | Guy Olive |
William Rockwell Clough | Ron MacLean and Robert Nugent |